Frequently Asked

See answers to some of the frequently asked questions
I’m not sure if I need a coach. Can I still use the service?

Absolutely. We’ll learn about you, answer your questions and give you our honest opinion on if a coach is the best use of your time and money on your clarity call. If you or we determine a coach doesn’t make sense, we’ll refund you the service fee in full and be there to support you however we can!

I’m interviewing some coaches already. Can I still use the service?

We often serve executives who are interviewing a coach or two they found on their own prior to finding the service. While we can only speak to the coaches we’ve vetted, we are happy to help you assess other options in the mix and can adjust the number of coach options we connect you with and the timeline to fit your already active search process.

Do I need to decide on budget and qualifications before I use the service?

No, we can help you think through all your needs on the clarity call. The only thing that we ask is that you have the budget to pay the market appropriate $2500/month or above for a coach should you determine that it makes sense (otherwise we won’t have any options for you).

Multiple team members want coaches. How should we all sign up?

We recommend that each team member seeking coaching have their own individual clarity call. Teams can end up working with the same or different coaches, but the clarity call helps us advise on what will be the best fit. When you pay for the service, you are purchasing it for your entire team, so there is no added service cost. As soon as you pay, you’ll see a link on the confirmation page that you can forward to your team members for them to sign up for their own individual clarity calls without needing to pay another service fee (and you can request this link from or intro them to your matchmaker at any time.)

Do the coaches work for you?

The coaches don’t work for us. They are all independent operators and we have sought them out much the same way you might’ve looked for a coach: through word of mouth and extensive searching. We do not oversee the coaching itself. To confidently recommend a coach, we have deeply vetted and built relationships with each of them and use our ROI check-ins every three months to ensure accountability. Coaches do pay us a referral fee, and at every point we align our incentives to make it a win for everyone when a coach and executive are thriving together.